• BIBB Congress 2018

    Many international participants will join the discussion.


(As of: 30.05.2018)

BIBB Congress 2018
Learning for the future

VET of tomorrow – experience innovations

7 June 2018

from 8:30 am Registration
11:00 am BIBB Congress opening

Welcome address
Professor Friedrich Hubert Esser,
President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Anja Karliczek, Member of the Bundestag,
Federal Minister of Education and Research (BMBF)

Panel discussion:
“Future of work – future of vocational education and training”

Professor Friedrich Hubert Esser,
President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Kerstin Ney, Chief Human Resources Officer, Business Area Components Technology, thyssenkrupp AG
Dr. Ariane Reinhart, Member of the Executive Board, Human Relations and Director of Labour Relations, Continental AG
Professor Dieter Spath, President of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)

Moderation: Ursula Heller

Award of the 2018 Hermann Schmidt Prize

1:00 pm Light lunch
2:00 pm “Life outside the dual system – challenges of vocational education in neo-liberal economies”
Professor Geoff Hayward, Head of Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
2:30 pm Proceed to forums
2:45 pm Welcome and introduction of the six forums

Forum I: Vocational Education and Training 4.0 – initial and continuing training in the digital age
Topic 1: Digitalisation – changes in the system as a whole

Forum II: Learning venues with a future: cooperative and digital
Topic 1: Learning venues and cooperation between learning venues in vocational education and training

Forum III: Work-based learning: occupational competence in Europe and the world
Topic 1: Diversity of work-based learning?

Forum IV: School, and then what? Dual vocational education and training – preferences and reality
Topic 1: Young people on the route into vocational education and training

Forum V: Migration and integration: the contribution of vocational training
Topic 1: Researching migration and integration

Forum VI: Healthcare and nursing: perspectives for vocational education and training
Topic 1: The new nursing training

6:45 pm Evening event
10:30 pm End of the first day of the Congress


8 June 2018

8:30 am Start of the parallel forums

Forum I: Vocational Education and Training 4.0 – initial and continuing training in the digital age
Topic 2: Digitalisation – changes at the level of occupations and occupational areas

Forum II: Learning venues with a future: cooperative and digital
Topic 2: Teaching and learning in the age of digitalisation

Forum III: Work-based learning: occupational competence in Europe and the world
Topic 2: Significance of occupational competence within the context of work-based learning

Forum IV: School, and then what? Dual vocational education and training – preferences and reality
Topic 2: On the significance of dual vocational education and training

Forum V: Migration and integration: the contribution of vocational training
Topic 2: Shaping migration and integration

Forum VI: Healthcare and nursing: perspectives for vocational education and training
Topic 2: Examples of implementation in initial and continuing training

11:15 am Final discussions in the forums
12:15 pm End of the forums
12:30 pm Final presentation: Vocational education and training in times of change
Professor Ludger Wößmann, Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education
1:00 pm Summary/farewell
Professor Hubert Ertl, Director of Research and Vice President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Bonn
1:15 pm End of the congress/light lunch

Prof. Dr. Ludger Wößmann

Ludger Woessmann is Professor of Economics at the University of Munich and Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education at the ifo Institute. His main research interests are the determinants of long-run prosperity and of student achievement. He uses microeconometric methods to answer applied, policy-relevant questions of the empirical economics of education, often using international student achievement tests. Special focusses address the importance of education for economic prosperity – individual and societal, historical and modern – and the importance of institutions of the school systems for efficiency and equity. Further research topics cover aspects of economic history, economics of religion, and the Internet. His work was rewarded, among others, with the Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award and the Gustav Stolper Award of the German Economic Association, the Young Economist Award of the European Economic Association, the EIB Prize of the European Investment Bank, and the Bruce H. Choppin Memorial Award of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.

Woessmann studied economics at Marburg University, the University of Kent at Canterbury, and the Advanced Studies Program of the Kiel Institute for World Economics, where he subsequently worked. He received his PhD from the University of Kiel. He held the 2010 National Fellowship at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and spent extended research visits at Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is Fellow of the International Academy of Education, Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), and the Academic Advisory Council of the German Federal Ministry of Economics, former Chairman of the Research Committee on Economics of Education of the German Economic Association, and coordinator of the European Expert Network on the Economics of Education (EENEE). He is co-editor of the Handbook of the Economics of Education and co-organizer of the annual CESifo Area Conference on the Economics of Education and held over 250 invited presentations. Among his over 250 academic publications are 75 articles in refereed journals, including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Economic Literature, the Economic Journal, and the Journal of Public Economics, as well as several books. His research is regularly covered by the national and international media.